Artist of the Week Hillary Kim ’25 on Art for Its Own Sake

Hillary Kim ’25 is an applied math major. Yet, art permeates her life at Swarthmore. After attending an arts-oriented high school in California, art became Kim’s norm, a grounding and standard part of both her experience and expression.  “When I got here

Upcoming Arts Events

Every week, students’ inboxes are filled with invitations to activities, events, and opportunities. Sometimes, though, it can be hard to sort through and decide which ones to participate in. Here’s a briefing on some current and upcoming arts-related events taking place around

A Trip to College Fest

It’s already a balmy late summer’s day as the SEPTA station fills with Swatties awaiting the Saturday morning train. Canvas totes on their shoulders and coffees in hand, the students make friendly chatter before their free passage into Philadelphia. The subsidized voyage

Artist of the Week Elliot Kenaston on (De)construction

When Elliot Kenaston ’22 faced the prospect of spending his academic year confined indoors due to COVID, he opted to take a gap year instead to hone in on a new, tangible skill: woodworking. Elliot, who grew up in Fairbanks, Alaska, clearly

Artist of the Week Miranda Roelandt ’22

As senior Miranda Roelandt described her commencement into film photography, she recalled wanting to find a new way to convey the intersection between natural structures and freeform movement. Through the trial and error of learning film’s technical aspects, such as balancing chemicals

Artist of the Week: Emma Novak

When I met singer Emma Novak ’22 for our interview, she exuded friendliness. As she described her recent senior voice recital, her devotion to the process and act of performing shined through. As a history Honors major and music Honors minor, she