Kristen Allen

Deans Discuss Board of Managers’ FinAid Cut Decision

Student Council and Deans Bock and Campbell met on Sunday to discuss with students the results of the Board of Managers meeting this past weekend. The conversation centered on the 2.1% reduction in funding for Financial Aid, which will be enacted by
December 6, 2009

Finances, Bikes and a Media Shuttle

Student Council discussed the Student Financial Advisory Panel's first meeting, the use of the rollover textbook money, a bike share program and creating a Friday night shuttle to Media.
November 2, 2009

Gary Lupyan Discusses Labels’ Impact on Thought

Gary Lupyan came to Swarthmore Thursday to give a talk called "What Do Words Do?" about the impact of language on our thought processes. He posited that giving labels to objects can have a powerful effect on the way we think about,
October 26, 2009

Psyching Yourself Out: The Impact of Stereotypes on Intelligence

On Tuesday afternoon, Joshua Aronson, an Associate Professor of Applied Psychology at NYU, gave a talk on the effects of social pressure and bias on behavior on intelligence tests. Entitled “Stereotype Threat and the Nature and Nurture of Human Intelligence,” his talk
October 1, 2009

Zane Booker’s Portraits

Zane Booker, well known in the dance world, directed a small group production of his new work Portraits. Five young dancers performed the work-in-progress, which they created with Booker as a Swarthmore Project this summer.
September 24, 2009

Results of the Rollover Initiative

$60,000 in student groups rollover money will be re-invested in four projects this fall. The majority will go to a Revolving Loan Fund for Green Initiatives, with the rest is being split between extending popular PE classes, adding textbooks in the libraries,
September 15, 2009

Fulbright Scholar Lauren Stokes ’09 to Live in Germany

Lauren Stokes ’09 was awarded one of eight Fulbright Scholarships at Swarthmore this year. Stokes, one of this paper’s Editors in Chief, will be spending next September through July in Berlin. She is planning on studying how Holocaust education is handled in
May 7, 2009

Mr. Swarthmore Competition Tonight

Tonight at 9 p.m. in Upper Tarble, in an event hosted by LaSS to raise money for Philadelphia's Women's Way, 13 Swarthmore men will battle for the title "Mr. Swarthmore."
April 17, 2009

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