Sorry, “Twilight” fans, “Thirst” (2009) is the best modern-day vampire film. Having come out only a year after the kickstarter to the fan-favorite franchise, Park Chan Wook’s psychological thriller demonstrates what a true paragon of vampire film looks like, delivering a bizarre
How do you deal with a doubt threatening to ruin your life and all the pillars that uphold it? Do you run from it? Or do you become consumed by it? These are a few of the questions the underappreciated 2008 drama
If you are looking for a light-hearted movie experience, this film is not for you. “Sorry We Missed You” is not for the faint of heart. Divergent from the Hollywood blockbusters of today, this heart-breaking film tells of the inherent drama and
Very rarely does a college student manage to participate in the making of a feature film, much less direct and write their own. And yet, Jake Rothman, a Swarthmore senior, has brilliantly crafted an 88-minute-long debut feature film with his brother Manny
Have you ever fully read the student handbook? Have you ever even looked at the student handbook? The answer too often for both questions seems to be a resounding no. Considering it’s a guideline regarding all of the college’s official policies, you