Jon Emont

The Future of Journalism

Will Saletan ’87, Swarthmore alum and Slate columnist, discussed the future of journalism with eight students last night in a talk sponsored by the Career Services Department.
November 3, 2009

Interview with Alice Rivlin

After she gave a lecture on "Saving Market Capitalism," the Daily Gazette spoke with Alice Rivlin about healthcare, the economy, and the Obama presidency. Rivlin (Bryn Mawr '52) is currently a fellow at the Brookings Institute and on the board of directors
September 11, 2009

Alice Rivlin Lectures On “Saving Market Capitalism”

On Thursday night, Alice Rivlin, former Cabinet official and first Director of the Congressional Budget Office, presented the annual Bernie Saffran Lecture, this year entitled "Saving Market Capitalism." Rivlin gave solutions to what she identified as the primary flaws of America's capitalist
September 11, 2009

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