Griffin Soriano

Is UConn Women’s Basketball Too Good For The Game?

Perfection in sports, as in life, is always striven for and seldom attained. Those teams that do achieve the seemingly impossible, however, are hailed as legends for having left their mark on the game. But what happens when perfection becomes the norm?
March 30, 2017

After slow start, baseball bounces back strong

After a slow start losing two doubleheaders to open up the season, the Baseball team bounced back over spring break in Fort Myers, Florida. The team flew south for their annual trip the first Saturday of spring break to escape the cold.
March 16, 2017

2017 Women’s Lacrosse Preview

After a tough 2016 season, the women’s lacrosse team returns primed to defy the odds in facing an extremely competitive schedule. The Garnet’s 2017 schedule includes Gettysburg and Franklin & Marshall, powerhouses of the Centennial Conference. Having finished just 1-8 in conference
February 23, 2017

Athletics as a Benefit or Detriment to Academic Performance

A common concern surrounding the community of student-athletes is whether or not the incredible time commitment warranted by athletics serves as a benefit or detriment to academic performance. Many varsity athletes at Swarthmore, given the rigorous academic standards, are well aware that
February 9, 2017

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