Gabriel Ramirez

Police Blotter — The Summer Rundown

While students were away, crime continued in the maybe-not-quite-so-quiet town of Swarthmore. Notes from the calls police handled over the summer, including: theft, assault, underage drinking, (BB gun) shootings (of windows), and advice on how to handle solicitors when they come knocking.
September 9, 2009

Police Blotter

This week's police blotter roundup from Public Safety and the Swarthmore Borough Police Department.
April 9, 2009

Mustache November

Watch a Gazette investigative video into the mysteries of Mustache November.
December 2, 2008

David Kemp? DK? DKap? What’s the Name?

David Kemp / Alice Paul Names Last September, the Gazette asked you what you planned to call the soon-to-be-finished David Kemp Hall. Overwhelmingly, readers told us they could imagine calling [...]
September 15, 2008

Yerbabuena Returns to Swat

Yerbabuena Returns to Swarthmore In what is becoming an annual event, the self-described "Puerto-Rican hill-billy"-style music group, Yerbabuena returned to Swarthmore, showing an uncanny knack at getting Swatties dancing. [...]
September 15, 2008

Philly Fringe Festival

A Gazette videographer got an exclusive interview with some of Swarthmore's stars at Philadelphia's Fringe Festival. The%20Fringe%20Festival (Please be patient. This video is a large file and may take some [...]
September 10, 2008

RJD2 Video

A Gazette videographer brings you a brief taste of the opening act from the Large Scale Event this past weekend, as musician RJD2 puts on his show. At the request [...]
September 10, 2008

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