Are you a senior still thinking about post-grad plans? Good with numbers and cool under pressure? Comfortable handling large sums of money? Went to see "21" and thought, "I could [...]
Juniors Elizabeth Brown, Adrian Davalos, Yuan Liu, Sofia Lopez, Laura Post, Sebastian Moya and Crystal Richardson are currently exhibiting their work from the first-ever Junior Workshop in the Kitao Gallery. [...]
Starting next year, students may no longer be able to exchange their extra meals for packaged goods like soda and chips from Essie Mae's. In a major overhaul to the [...]
Swatties with a hankering for the unconventional learned some new moves at Thursday's burlesque workshop, which was hosted by Drama Board and taught by Jo Weldon of New York's School [...]
When Marissa Davis '08 first went to New Orleans a month after Hurricane Katrina, she had no idea that two and a half years later she would be preparing to [...]
The Kitao Gallery's first-ever student art sale was a huge success, according to organizer Kate Goertzen '09. Although, she said, the Kitao board "didn't know what to expect, because we've [...]
The sudden death of a 38 year-old working class man was the central focus of the talk that professor Farha Ghannam gave on Tuesday, entitled "The Life and Death of [...]
Frankly, I'm not mascot material. My only real qualification for being the Phoenix is that I was a Pterodactyl once (and I think that should count for something). I sometimes [...]
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