Elisabeth Miller

Elisabeth Miller '21 is a double major in English and history. Her three talking points are podcasts, Mad Men, and Taylor Swift's lyrical genius.

Terpsichore Showcases Range in Dynamic Spring Performance

This past Saturday, the student dance collective Terpsichore held its Spring concert to showcase the work it has done this semester. The group, named after the Greek muse of dance, consists of about forty dancers of varying levels of experience. The show
April 25, 2019

Swarthmore Should Be Worried About Vaginas

“The Vagina Monologues,” a play written by Eve Ensler in 1996, tackles issues such as sexuality, gender, and violence against women, all through the eyes of a diverse cast of women. Drawn from interviews Ensler did with 200 women, the play asks
March 28, 2019

Why We Still Talk About Serial

If you listen to podcasts, or are remotely interested in accumulating this strange form of cultural capital, then you are most likely familiar with season one of “Serial.” “Serial” was the fastest podcast to reach five million downloads on the iTunes store,
February 21, 2019

What We’re Selling in America

Noor Tagouri begins her podcast series “Sold in America” with a story from her childhood. As she tells of a trip she took to Saudi Arabia with her parents, her voice shakes, and she pauses and stumbles over her words. She recounts
January 31, 2019

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