List Gallery Intern helps the Swarthmore community learn about the methods of visiting artists while developing the varied skills for running an art gallery.
Fall break is here at last. The following activities, though applicable to just about anyone in Philly on the weekend, are specially targeted to those who will be around campus [...]
You’re almost to fall break and the weather is just starting to tinge with autumnal crispness. This Sunday is the Philadelphia Dragon Boat Festival, a chance to see enjoy live [...]
Photos by Carolyn WhippleTo open his “Creative Wellsprings” exhibit in the List Gallery, artist Peter Paone presented a lecture in LPAC on October 2, tracing the evolution of his work [...]
Adrienne Bayton ’03 is teaching Foundation Drawing at Swarthmore currently and plans to continue next semester. She recently sat down for an interview with the Daily Gazette: DG: What’s it [...]
“Behavioral Economics,” a new seminar for Swarthmore’s Economics department, fuses psychology and economics to develop a better understanding of what influences the decisions which people make that in turn affect [...]
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