Daisy Yuhas

Olde Club gets a video recorder

Swarthmore's Free Culture group, in a move to assist campus projects such as recording the performances of student musicians, has obtained funding from the SBC to purchase a recorder for [...]
February 8, 2007

Weekend roundup

To all those who resolved to really enjoy their weekends this year, use your first one back at Swat wisely. Whether on or off campus, you have your pick of [...]
January 26, 2007

Weekend roundup

'Twas the night before finals and all through the hall, not a Swattie was sleeping lest they miss the call, of the textbooks all strewn on the desk and the [...]
December 15, 2006

Performance Art comes to the Kitao

This weekend, Swarthmore's student art space will be hosting a totally unique work by sophomore Kim Comer. "We All Must Wake" is a performance art piece that will be opening [...]
December 15, 2006

A capella group Stick and Stones to disband

Last night’s Jamboree concert, hosted by Cantatrix and featuring all of Swat's a cappella groups was markedly poignant as it marked the final concert of Sticks and Stones, one of [...]
December 15, 2006
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