This weekend, comedian Wanda Sykes will be coming to Swarthmore as this semester's Large Scale Event. Wanda Sykes, ranked as one of the top 25 funniest people in America by [...]
Screwed over this weekend? Don't worry, the most awkward part is inevitably the bit where you look awkwardly at one another and wonder how you'll ever make conversation. Luckily for [...]
On February 21, in LPAC, Professor Richard Meyers of the University of Southern California presented the lecture "What was Contemporary Art?" Meyers evaluated three instances in which the term 'contemporary' [...]
If this semester, Swat seems a little more crowded than in the past, it's not your imagination. An unbalanced number of students returning from study abroad versus leaving for study [...]
This semester, many students in Sharples have noticed the appearance of organic cereals and bright green heart stickers that denote organic food products or food prepared without transfats. Sharples' purchasing [...]
This weekend, Swat will be showing a special dance performance and excerpts from an opera on none other than Sherlock Holmes. If you're heading off campus this weekend, you can [...]
Romance, mystery, music: one of the most beloved characters in literary history, Sherlock Holmes, is being envisioned in an opera for the first time (he's a baritone). This Saturday at [...]
Yesterday afternoon, translator Alexis Levitin presented the lecture "The Nitty Gritty in Poetic Translation." The lecture used two of his own poetic translations of "A Rapariga e a Praia" by [...]
As the first of three colloquiums in the Physics department this semester, "How Quickly Do Planets Form?" a lecture by Professor Eric Jensen, addressed some of the ways in which [...]
On Saturday night, the Department of Music and Dance presented the Faculty and Friends Dance Concert in the LPAC. Ranging from traditional dances to highly interpretive modern work, the program [...]
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