Dustin Trabert

A New Vision for “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

Anne Coleman '09, the director of A Midsummer Night's Dream, "loathes the play when it is done poorly." Expanding on this, she explains that many productions of the play are "fluffy, insubstantial, and a waste of a beautiful text." From all appearances,
November 14, 2007

Philosopher Urges Epistemological Conciliation

It is a tendency of academics to defend their positions on controversial topics with conviction despite the existence of many similarly talented thinkers who argue differently. David Christensen, an epistemologist [...]
November 11, 2007

A Cappella Groups Confront Membership Issues

The vibrant a cappella scene at Swarthmore will be seeing some changes this semester. Two co-ed singing groups are taking measures to deal with pressures on membership: Chaverim shifts its [...]
September 21, 2007

International relations giants come to Swarthmore

Starting later today, Swarthmore begins a extensive symposium on "Anti-Americanism, Failing States and American Foreign Policy: Challenges in Contemporary International Politics." The symposium, held in honor of retiring Political Science [...]
March 30, 2007

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