“The Last of Us” is a new HBO show adapted from the 2013 video game of the same name developed by Naughty Dog. Here is a one-sentence elevator pitch: we follow Joel (a grizzled dad survivor type) and Ellie (a scrappy tomgirl
For nearly nineteen weeks now, Atticus Maloney ’22 and Declan Murphy ’21 have dwelled on the dilemma of connecting students and faculty to the ongoing climate crisis. Their solution: devise a course. Maloney and Murphy are two of twelve President’s Sustainability Research
As of Jan. 31, the Swarthmore MakerSpace has moved to Whittier Hall Rooms 109-113. Originally launched in 2018, the MakerSpace was previously located on the ground floor of Beardsley Hall. “We just moved into a space that we will probably permanently inhabit