Carlotta Piantanida

Dead Eyes: Motion Capture’s Achilles Heel

When people left theaters in 2004 after viewing The Polar Express, people left with a feeling of discomfort. Personally, I left scared. I was so scared that I could not bring myself to watch it again for a couple of years. I
March 7, 2024

Miranda Belarde-Lewis on Mixing Tradition and Modernity

On Tuesday, Feb. 6, the art history department held their annual Lee Frank Lecture in the Lang Performing Arts Center cinema. This year, Miranda Belarde-Lewis, an assistant professor of North American Indigenous Knowledge at the University of Washington’s Information School, spoke about
February 15, 2024

Tabitha Arnold’s “Workshop of the World”

Now on view at the List Gallery is Tabitha Arnold’s “Workshop of the World,” which will remain on display until Feb. 25. Through the blend of various mediums, Arnold created artworks that effortlessly speak to the world’s most current social, political, and
February 8, 2024

Minimalist Art

Contemporary movements extend the limits of what can be considered art by pushing the boundaries of canonically accepted forms. Minimalist art, also known as literal art, fought to create a more theatrical stage, one that puts both art and viewer on the
November 9, 2023

The American Imperio

The idea of an “imperio” has laid the groundwork for our modern understanding of an empire. The notion of an imperio dates back to the Roman Republic, in which imperio was used to describe the republic’s growing influence in the Mediterranean basin.
October 12, 2023

Fifty Days at Iliam

Contemporary art as a movement has strived to understand the world’s innermost truths, an objective artists believe can be achieved by pushing the boundaries of what is traditionally regarded as art. In doing so, artists hope to find the truth to life
April 20, 2023

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