Claire Yang

New alcohol and drug counselor comes to campus

This past Monday, Joshua Ellow assumed the position of alcohol and other drugs counselor and educator. Ellow holds a Master of Science in Clinical and Counseling Psychology with a concentration in addiction studies from Chestnut Hill College and has, until recently, worked
November 21, 2013

School postpones creation of hearing panel

Dean of Students Liz Braun sent a student-wide email on October 22 announcing that the appointment and implementation process of the Sexual Assault and Harassment Hearing Panel would be put on hold this semester. According to the email, “a number of substantial
October 31, 2013

Dorm construction to connect Dana and Hallowell

Among the college’s construction projects which include the Matchbox, a new fitness and wellness building, Biology-Engineering-Psychology building, and the Swarthmore Inn to improve on and off-campus space is a plan to link Dana and Hallowell with new dorm rooms and a common
October 10, 2013

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