Cecilia Paasche

Response to Drugs on Campus Article: Seriously?

I am writing in response to an article written last week in the Campus Journal titled “Dorks on Drugs acquire through friends, use safely and widely, disappointed by stigma.” The casual tone of the article did not sit right with me –
March 5, 2015

A grand hotel, worthy of a weekend trip

  If any of you have the good fortune to escape your piles of work and make it to a movie theater this spring, consider “The Grand Budapest Hotel,” Wes Anderson’s latest irreverent film. “Grand Budapest” is a delightful, engaging romp through a
March 27, 2014

‘Little Failure’ a huge success

Near the beginning of Gary Shteyngart’s new memoir, “Little Failure,” Gary shares an emotionally charged moment with his father. “The past is haunting us,” Shteyngart writes. “In Queens, in Manhattan, it is shadowing us, punching us in the stomach. I am small,
February 20, 2014

East/West exhibit cautions against false notions of superiority

Living in the List Gallery this month are large-scale photographs that explore the meeting of architecture and landscape, growth and decay, industrialism and nature, and the visceral and the unreal. In his East/West exhibit, photographer Andrew Moore, the 2014 Donald J. Gordon
January 30, 2014

“All That Is”, Not Quite There

Near the end of  “All That Is,” James Salter’s latest novel, an opinionated character (and one of the few female characters given a voice, but more on that later) comments to a young ingénue who has been spreading rumors about Saul Bellow,
November 13, 2013

A conversation with Christopher Castellani

When Christohpher Castellani ’94 was a student at Swarthmore, he did not expect to become a writer, let alone the author of three successful novels. However, he may have predicted that in 18 years he’d be back at Swarthmore as a professor
October 3, 2013
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