Cathy Park

A Conversation with Professor X

I’ve jokingly stated many many times, “I’m pretty sure Professor X thinks that we only have work from his class. Do you see this? (holds up pack of readings that necessarily must be stapled with the big orange and grey stapler in
March 28, 2013

A Letter to My Honors Examiners

To My Honors Examiner: Dangling Apricots. When we meet in 106 days and start our conversation masked as the oral examination, I will deliver, with all sincerity, that humorously abstract phrase. You’ll be intrigued, we’ll awkwardly laugh as if students normally
February 7, 2013

Sandy and Seniors settling in (Wharton) CD

I live in Wharton CD first, an exclusively senior hall in an exclusively—minus one junior—senior section. The trade-off for the lack of awkward leaning-in-the-doorway-chatting-with-someone-in-the-room interactions that vamp up the noise level of the hall is that hall life is virtually non-existent.At this
November 1, 2012

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