Voting to Uphold Justice

As acts of violence and social injustice have become more prominent, I have taken pride in being a part of the Swarthmore community. Often, I feel at a loss for how to address large-scale social issues. But I have gained strength in

Sunrise, SGO, SBC to invest surplus money into a fossil-free fund

On Friday afternoon around 12:30 p.m., the Student Government Organization, Student Budget Committee, and Sunrise Swarthmore gathered in Parrish Parlors to announce that they would be working together to invest unused money from student clubs into a fossil-free fund. This fund will

Sharing Stories, Creating Solutions

As my study abroad experience is beginning to reach its end, I can’t help but reflect on the scenes I have encountered and the stories I have heard from such a diverse spectrum of people. On one hand, looking back, it seems

The beauty of an unintelligible world

I’ll never forget my first experience abroad, which was this semester. Exiting the plane for the first time, as I stepped into Hanoi, Vietnam, it was as if I had been transported to a whole new universe. Looking around me, I was

A hidden value

I am currently residing in a hostel in Cape Town, South Africa, living what most people would consider the dream. Over the course of two months, I have lived in Washington D.C., Vietnam, and South Africa. In a week, I will be

From the heart of a Las Vegas local

I am studying abroad in Cape Town right now, but my heart is in Las Vegas. My mind can’t decide whether to cry or dissociate, pretending that one of the worst mass shootings in the history of the United States did not

From Hanoi to Crum Creek

Squatting on a little wooden stool on the sidewalk, I am captivated by the story of a small-framed 60-year-old woman who has lived in the Dong Da District of Hanoi for over 50 years. She sits across from me on the other

Cherishing our Crum Woods

Following my morning routine abroad in Hanoi, Vietnam, I am riding the bus from my host family’s house to my classes at Hanoi Medical University. I am mesmerized by the thousands of motorbikes on the road. At least half of the riders

Bursting the Swat bubble

Sitting in the Starbucks a mile away from campus in Springfield on a Saturday afternoon, I sit enjoying my coffee as I think of how much work I am getting done and take mental notes of what I still have left to

The election is far from over

We did it, Swatties. We made it to Election Day, and this means that we have finally escaped all of the election advertisements, the political phone calls, and the horrible Facebook memes about the terrible qualities of our presidential candidates. Despite the