On Flowers

My favorite time in Swarthmore is the spring. Winter is full of slogging across Mertz field and dragging mud on the dorm room floor. Summer is unbearably humid, causing my glasses to fog up every time I leave a building. Autumn comes

Universal Designated Hitting or Bust

Among baseball fans there are certain topics so contentious that they can tear families apart, destroy relationships, and launch a thousand Twitter wars. One of those is the position of the designated hitter. For those of you who aren’t familiar with baseball


Swarthmore Approves Plan to Eliminate Carbon by 2035

On Feb. 27, the Swarthmore Board of Managers approved a $69 million “Energy Master Plan,” which includes the goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2035. Entitled the ‘Road Map to Zero,’ Swarthmore’s energy plan includes finding ways to eliminate or offset all


SGO Elects New Leaders, Sees Increase in Voter Turnout

On April 13, Murtaza Ukani ’22 and Ella Vetter ’22 were announced as the new Student Government Organization President and Vice President respectively for the 2020-2021 school year. There were three different pairs running for President and Vice President this year. Ukani


SGO Launches New Website

On Feb. 11, Student Government Organization President Kat Capossela ’21 sent an email to the student body announcing SGO’s new website.  SGO worked with Swarthmore College Computer Society to host the website on the SCCS server. The website explains the mission and


SGO Facilitates Open Dialogue with C.A.P.S.

On Feb. 11, Student Government Organization (SGO) hosted a talk with Interim Dean of Students Jim Terhune and the head of C.A.P.S., Dr. David Ramirez. The talk was part of a new series run by SGO and was intended to provide students

The Nationals Finish the Fight

Last week the Nationals defeated the Astros in Houston, Texas, to claim their first World Series championship in franchise history.  By all accounts and measurements, the Houston Astros were the better team. They had won more games throughout the whole season than

Local High School Student Passes Away

Content Warning: Suicide  If you are worried about yourself or someone you know please call U.S. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) or C.A.P.S on-call number 610-328-7768 At around 7:10 am on October 28, a sixteen-year-old girl died by suicide when

Smoke Detected in Science Center, No One Harmed

At approximately 10:30 a.m. on September 23, Public Safety responded to reports of smoke being detected in the air handler in the Science Center. According to Director of Public Safety Mike Hill, a light malfunction in the Science Center caused the smoke.

Student Protests, Hunger Strike Follow Phi Psi Sit-In

[Editor’s note: This article addresses events that happened in the Spring 2019 semester after our last regular issue of The Phoenix was published. Now that the school year and our coverage has resumed, we are covering these events now because they are