Ben Wade

Indiana Jones and the Death of Film Discourse

It’s time we erase the distinction between “high” and “low” art when it comes to film.  When we think of the former category, we may think of cerebral, twisty, dark, or emotionally exhausting films that win awards we didn’t even know existed.
April 27, 2023

Drexel at Olde Club

Last week, Drexel bands Hotel Breakfast, Simply Sedated, Slow Burning Daydream, and The Jette Planes performed at Olde Club. Photos shot on a Nikon d7000.
February 16, 2023

The Batman — An Evolution of the Superhero Blockbuster

Ever since 2008’s “The Dark Knight,” the (controversial, but generally dumb) question of whether superhero movies could be considered “Oscar worthy movies” has been posed. This question has only become more relevant, given that 2008 also birthed the omnipresent Marvel Cinematic Universe
March 31, 2022

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