Bayliss Wagner

Bayliss '21 is from Vienna, VA. She is majoring in English literature and minoring in computer science and French.

6 SGO Members Eligible for Impeachment; Appeals Possible

Student Government Organization president Gilbert Orbea ’19 and vice-president Kat Capossela ’21 have spearheaded a charge this semester to push back against the widespread campus perception that SGO is ineffective. On October 28, Capossela introduced a new attendance policy, which states that
December 6, 2018

O4S Criticizes Pub-Safe External Review

More than 15 students affiliated with Organizing for Survivors shared their personal experiences and dissatisfaction with Public Safety during a public forum hosted by two consultants, Regina Lawson and Bill Lafferty, from D. Stafford & Associates this past Tuesday night. O4S felt
November 8, 2018

What’s on your Ballot? 161st District Edition

This midterm election, the town of Swarthmore is well-represented in the polls. Three out of five positions on the ballot include candidates who are residents of the town and its immediate surroundings.  Swarthmore was also recently moved into the 5th congressional district,
November 1, 2018

Crumb Cafe Faces Growing Pains

The Crumb Cafe, formerly Paces, the college’s only student-run business, continues to adjust to significant changes this academic year after relocating to Sharples. They have increased their revenue significantly and created a new dry, social space for weekends, but the sudden increase
October 11, 2018

Working at Swat, Part 1: The Push for an Undergraduate Union

Note: This story is part of an ongoing feature series on labor at Swarthmore. Stay tuned for more about the WA debate, work-study at the college, Swarthmore’s employment policies and the challenges UUWS will face in next week’s Phoenix issue. The United
September 13, 2018

Professors fast to pressure Board to repeal 1991 ban

On April 20, two days after a referendum demanding that the Board of Managers repeal the 1991 Investment Committee ban passed with an 87% approval rate, Peace and Conflict Studies Professor Lee Smithey announced that three professors would be fasting for one
April 26, 2018

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