Bayliss Wagner

Bayliss '21 is from Vienna, VA. She is majoring in English literature and minoring in computer science and French.

Looping You In On Looped

On Nov. 16, a portion of the student body received an email on their addresses from an app called “Looped.” The emails were identical, and they invited students to “find out” more about a featured post: “So, is the university going
December 5, 2019

Stressed by Stress Injuries

When I asked Lucas Heinzerling ’20, a distance runner on the men’s varsity cross country and track teams, about the injuries he has sustained during his seven-year career, he rattled them off quickly: Achilles tendonitis in both legs, plantar fasciitis in both
October 24, 2019

Phi Psi Leak Suggests Evidence of Hazing

The Phoenix obtained unsolicited Phi Psi internal files from an anonymous source that reveal details of the Phi Psi pledging process. The files include folders with documents, photos, and videos detailing aspects of the pledging process, among other information, as far back
April 18, 2019
phi psi

Editorial Note: Our Process on the Phi Psi Coverage

RECEIVING THE FILES Last week, members of The Phoenix and Voices were sent an unsolicited set of Phi Psi’s internal documents from past years. The folder included documents detailing pledge tasks for members who were initiated in 2010, 2012, 2013, and 2016,
April 18, 2019
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