Aviva Weiser

Students Race in Annual Crum Regatta

On Friday, Apr. 19, students brought boats made out of plastic, rubber, wood, rope, and tape to the Crum Regatta, an annual Swarthmore tradition where students race homemade crafts down Crum Creek. The event was organized by the Office of Student Engagement
April 25, 2024

The Big Table: This Year’s Engineering April Fools Prank

Walking around Swarthmore’s campus on April Fools, you may notice some objects are amiss. This is likely due to the annual engineering April Fools prank held by students. The prank is generally a satirical commentary about some aspect of campus, such as
April 4, 2024

Online Exclusive: Hormuzd Katki and the Science of Cancer Screenings

On March 26,National Cancer Institute Senior Investigator Hormuzd Katki spoke at Swarthmore as part of the 2023-2024 Math/Statistics Colloquium Series. In his talk, titled “The Role of Statisticians and Quantitative Thinking in Cancer Prevention and Screening,” Katki discussed developing advancements in the
March 28, 2024

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