Anna Gonzales

Worth, peer advisors promote sexual health

Condoms at my boarding school were difficult to come by. Theoretically, one could go to the health center and ask for them, but the school handbook said that students found engaging in sexual activity on campus would be subject to disciplinary action
December 3, 2015

Special majors forge own innovative academic paths

While most students at the college choose to major in one or more of its nearly fifty academic departments, some forge their own path. Pursuing their intellectual passions and often generating innovative interdisciplinary work, a handful of students graduate each year with
November 12, 2015

Digital Humanities spread in classroom and beyond

Computer science and the humanities don’t have anything to do with each other, do they? Code belongs in Sci, and books stay in the seminar room, right? Wrong! The two disciplines come together in digital humanities, a set of research methods that
October 29, 2015

Students in wheelchairs face access issues

Almost a decade after a compliance review by the Department of Justice led to a settlement under which the college was required to make campus more accessible, students who use wheelchairs continue to face barriers. Wheelchair user Elliot Nguyen ’17, for example,
October 1, 2015

Confusion surrounds dry week, despite no change

This year’s dry week was surrounded by confusion, despite the fact that the policy regarding alcohol during orientation did not change from recent years. Many students were under the impression that “dry week” meant that the consumption of alcohol is not permitted
September 17, 2015

OSE absorbs SAC, all-campus event funding

The Social Affairs Committee, which previously served as the main funding body for all-campus events and parties, no longer exists, primarily because its function of providing alcohol funding for parties became obsolete last year. The Office of Student Engagement will take over
September 10, 2015

Returning from time off, students readjust

Swarthmore’s freshman retention rate is the stuff of college-rankings legends. A whopping 96 percent of students return to the school after their freshman year, a number which, according to publications such as the US News and World Report, is “an indicator of
September 3, 2015
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