Angela Meng

Writing Center Establishes New Program in Chester

The Writing Center has launched a new program on writing workshops in Chester at the College Access Center, which provides a variety of free services for preparing students for college. In this new project, three Writing Associates conduct weekly workshops with a
October 31, 2010

What is NOLArize! Doing Five Years After Katrina?

When students first came back to Swarthmore after the summer, there were chalkings across campus advertising NOLArize! and the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Swatties may wonder: what is NOLArize doing, given that it's been five years since Katrina?
September 22, 2010

A Conversation with Departing Catholic Advisor, Father Ed

Father Ed Windhaus, the Catholic Advisor for the religion communities at the Tri-Consortium, announced this week that he would be leaving this week for a new post as Pastor of St. James Parish for a community in Montgomery County. Father Ed has
September 17, 2010

Hansi Wang ’09, NPR Kroc Fellow

Hansi Wang '09 recently received the prestigious Kroc Fellow award from National Public Radio. The Gazette chatted with him about what he'll do in the fellowship, how War News Radio prepared him to work for NPR, and his advice for how to
September 3, 2010

SBC Budgeting Results From 2000-2010

Each year, the Student Budget Committee holds Spring Budgeting, two twelve-hour days in late March or early April that determine the vast majority of student group spending for the next year. This year, the committee opened the process to journalists, and also
May 21, 2010

Swarthmore Hosts Fencing National Championship

The Swarthmore Fencing Team hosted the US Association of Collegiate Fencing Clubs (USACFC) National Championships this past weekend. The USACFC nationals is the largest college fencing event in the world: over 700 athletes compete, representing 41 colleges and universities from all over
April 16, 2010

Peaslee Debate Society to Host Nationals

The Amos J. Peaslee Debate Society, a well-established and independent club organization at Swarthmore, plans to host the APDA Nationals Tournament the weekend of April 16th to the 18th. A yearly event that gathers the best of the best debaters on the
April 9, 2010
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