Ari Froehlich

Directing Death

Death is inevitable. How do we deal with that? This is the central question of the Swarthmore Theater Department’s recent production — “32 Very Short Plays About Letting Go.” In 31 plays about death, and one about life and community, the performers
November 21, 2024

What We Call Ourselves

What does the Swarthmore student call themself? Current students and admissions officers would invoke the term “Swattie,” a term of endearment for the student body and a way to make the institution more amiable. It’s a nickname that represents the way Swarthmore
October 10, 2024

The Campus Flâneur

To embellish an otherwise dull world, I paint my life with literary and philosophical constructs — those created to impose order upon generally chaotic disciplines. Rather than seeing life solely through disconnected tableaus, I create a map of the world populated with
September 26, 2024

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