Alex Friedfeld

Women’s Cross Country Team Wins Seven Sisters Championship

On October 18, 2008 the Swarthmore Women's Cross-Country team came in first place at the Seven Sisters Cross Country Championship. Led by junior Nyika Corbett (second overall), freshman Melissa Frick (third overall), and senior co-captain Bess Ritter (seventh overall) the team totaled
October 29, 2008

World Series Preview

After a long and grueling regular season and an exciting first two rounds of the playoffs, the World Series is finally set to start with the Tampa Bay Rays hosting the Philadelphia Phillies. Here is how the two teams stack up.
October 21, 2008

Swat Senior Gets Published

A short story and poem written by Lauren Stokes '09 went to print last month, as part of an anthology titled We Are Quiet, We Are Loud: The Best Young [...]
September 22, 2008

Students Join LSE

On Saturday, September 6, five Swarthmore music students performed with Broken Social Scene on the LPAC stage for the Large Scale Event. Junior Carl Shapiro, a trumpet player, was approached [...]
September 15, 2008

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