October 2024 - Page 3

The Phoenix in Conversation with Mark Kuperberg

Mark Kuperberg has been a professor of economics at Swarthmore College since 1977, becoming one of the college’s most seasoned faculty members. Besides being a graph-loving economist, he is also a newfound novel enthusiast, a 1,000-lap swimmer, and a wanderlust. In 2019,
October 24, 2024

California Students Break from Democrats

Much ado is made each year about youth participation in politics. In order to boost turnout amongst youngsters, each year California holds a “mock election” in its high schools where students are able to cast votes for each of the issues that
October 24, 2024

Spotlighting Art Professor Mariel Capanna

In a 45-minute conversation with Visiting Art Professor Mariel Capanna, I got a glimpse into her artistic journey, fresco painting process, and personal inspirations. The multidisciplinary artist spoke of her early beginnings at McGill University, where she contributed weekly cartoons to the
October 24, 2024

A Different Way to Think About Voting

I wonder what would happen if we casted our votes not for the individuals running for office, but for the possible states of our democracy. When we think of this election as two individuals pitted against one another, we risk discounting not
October 24, 2024

Admitting Others’ Depths

Every CommonApp personal statement had some convoluted metaphor or hook to, at the very least, prevent the admissions officer from immediately binning your application. Outside of the occasional interview or supplemental essay, it was one of your only chances to speak your
October 24, 2024

The True Cost of AI

It is not difficult for any high school or college student these days to rattle off a dozen reasons that they have been told to avoid using ChatGPT or artificial intelligence (AI) for their schoolwork. These reasons are not arbitrary: concerns about
October 24, 2024
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