College: Beyond the Hollywood Hype

September 26, 2024

We all came to college with some general expectations. Were they all realistic?

Maybe now we are realizing no, but, nonetheless, we had some general ideas of what to expect. Parties all night, every night! Endless freetime. Hundreds of friends. Perfect roommates who you never see. Dorm rooms worthy of Target ads. Being a part of every single club on campus while still having a life. That Tuesday/Thursday class you can ditch and TOTALLY still get an A in. Romance around every corner. Right? 


There’s been quite a few very classic and popular films throughout the years fantasizing the glamor of college: “Pitch Perfect,” “Legally Blonde,” “Gossip Girl,” “Gilmore Girls,” “Spring Breakers,” “22 Jump Street,” “Van Wilder.” Now that I am officially a college student, I can only say one thing with confidence: this crap is nothing like what’s on TV. 

Laundry is the REAL test of college. Good news? We don’t actually need quarters to do laundry in the dorms! Bad news? You might as well have brought them, because it seems bribery may be the only thing that might actually motivate Swatties to take out their dang clothes. 

Just last week, on my one free day, I made my way downstairs to the laundry room. I started my clothes and went back to studying (because is there anything else for us first years to do in our first three weeks?). 30 minutes later, like the responsible washer-sharing-student I am, I went back to switch out my clothes. Only issue? All three dryers were full. So I waited. And I waited. And waited. Two hours and one bowl of ramen later, I found myself sitting on our laundry room counter STILL waiting. The urge to throw the clothes on the floor was strong. One day, it might just win. 

Modern media gives us the notion that college is going to be just as exciting as the silver screen. Now, was I expecting crime, secret societies, or run-ins with the police every weekend? Not necessarily. But perhaps that would be easier than the hard truths of reality. Our favorite TV shows and movies don’t tend to fully explore common things first years in college experience: struggling to live on their own, taking on new academic stress, managing mental health issues, and just trying to adjust to a whole new life in general. 

Cause let’s be real, we definitely AREN’T getting the show stopping, raving parties every night here at Swarthmore. Hint hint, Bratmore? How sweaty was that? Is this really the best venue we have on campus for the next four years? Instead of the raucous night expected, I found myself rethinking my attendance. I left my perfectly empty room and Netflix-ready laptop for this? I haven’t been able to convince myself to attend another. Looks like I’ll be joining my fellow Swatties, splitting an Uber to infiltrate UPenn parties next time I seek a good time. Conclusion: if you’re looking for a Spring-Breakers-worthy night … look elsewhere. And I don’t know about you, but I definitely haven’t found myself in any of the oh-so-popular dramatic love triangles that are literally everywhere in every college movie. 

Probably the most “college’ thing I’ve experienced so far is getting locked out of my dorm room in nothing but a towel on my way to a shower. So, nothing quite like a “Pitch Perfect Beca-and-Chloe Titanium Shower Concert” or anything, but ironically that would have made the experience worth something. 

And another thing: maybe something I DID expect was that there would be some accountability when it comes to sharing bathrooms. I mean, ladies, come on — it can’t be that in your own home you left hair quite literally all over the shower walls and sinks. Although, maybe you did. It’s funny, I feel like previously teachers and adults commonly reminded us that when we get to college, “You have to act like an adult.” Yeah … doesn’t really seem to be the norm here but okay. That being said, I will admit that sometimes not having to be an adult is pretty nice. It’s okay to be just a carefree, college kid sometimes. 

Now, although they’re not realistic, that doesn’t mean these films aren’t absolutely entertaining and therapeutic in some ways. I mean, I’m definitely going to get through this semester by pretending I’m in an episode of “Gilmore Girls” every day. 

In the end, perhaps we did get lucky with our dining hall food. I usually can actually identify what’s being served and genuinely enjoy it. No mystery mush! The environment here at Swarthmore is truly nothing like I’ve ever experienced — it’s incredible. There’s many more willingly-friendly faces than I would have expected and the faculty has been nothing but supportive. And of course, we can’t ignore how the campus we walk through to and from class is literally like something from a postcard. 

Who knows what lies at the end of the movie for all of us; however, we get to figure it out in an amazing, supportive environment: a beautiful campus full of starry-eyed students. While I might not ever truly get my “Gilmore Girls” moment, here’s to our messy reality: awkward encounters, late-night study sessions fueled by caffeine and desperation, and friendships forged over shared chaos. 

So, to my fellow Swarthmore first years: 

“Welcome to college B, this is going to be a blast.”

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