In a groundbreaking move which has left the Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College and students amazed for the past year, Swarthmore’s once-lush campus has been transformed into a construction site of environmental progress.
While some students may have enjoyed serene strolls amidst the meticulously labeled plants, cute squirrels, and sounds of nature, now they get to feel like they’re a part of something greater: the Zero by Thirty-Five plan! Gone are the days of plant biodiversity, instead one may enjoy the craftsmanship of barbed wire.
As a show of appreciation, here are some of my favorite fences:
1. The fence blocking off a patch of dirt outside the Dining Center. She’s very fitting for Valentine’s Day, with a cute red-orange pop of color to the circular pattern.
2. Swarthmore College hired one of our very own graphic design majors to create these informative graphics citing, “Absolutely Zero to See Here!” This fence has blocked off all of Mertz lawn for the past year.
3. Why would anyone want to see the iconic Parrish Hall, the emblem of our College, when they can just peek at it through the slats of its prison cell?
4. While some complain about the inaccessibility of fences blocking off most of the lawn, they clearly overlook how creating designated paths have reduced the decision-making process significantly. There are now only two paths to McCabe.