September 2023

Students Revive Weekly ‘Pub Nite’ After Year-Long Break

Whether shown by the colorful posters pinned all around campus or “Pub Nite” making its way back into the common Swarthmore vocabulary, a once-beloved tradition is back this semester. Traditionally, Pub Nite is a weekly, student-hosted party held on Thursday nights in
September 28, 2023

Students Raise Accessibility Concerns Amid Increased Construction

Increased construction and the recent heat wave have exacerbated pre-existing accessibility issues on campus. Routes to classes are longer and more variable, resulting in frustration among the student body. In an interview with The Phoenix, Rose West ’26 shared concerns she had
September 28, 2023

Zero Waste (EP01): The Dung Crisis

Ding-dong! A pile of DUNG has arrived in your backyard. Imagine a hill of human manure piling up in your backyard. You just flushed your smelly poop down the toilet, but proud products of bowel movements made by your neighbor and even
September 28, 2023

Where I’m From

I usually don’t like telling people at Swarthmore where I’m from. This is because I can inevitably predict what they’re going to say when I tell them that I’m from Hawaii, which usually falls along the lines of “Oh, how lovely! My
September 28, 2023

Monet: Cataracts and Anger Create a Post-Impressionist

Nymphéas, Japanese Bridge, currently displayed at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, was painted by French impressionist painter Claude Monet (1840-1926) circa 1918-26 in Giverny, France. This is one of his final works in his famous Nymphéas (Water Lilies) series and of his
September 28, 2023
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