April 2023

Indiana Jones and the Death of Film Discourse

It’s time we erase the distinction between “high” and “low” art when it comes to film.  When we think of the former category, we may think of cerebral, twisty, dark, or emotionally exhausting films that win awards we didn’t even know existed.
April 27, 2023

Semester in Review

The Phoenix has undergone both significant change and progress this semester, demonstrating remarkable resilience in the face of budget cuts and staff transitions. We’ve emerged from these challenges with a stronger web presence, a collaborative and closely-knit team of writers and editorial
April 20, 2023

When Good is Good Enough

My dad is infamous in my family for his terrible shopping advice. If you hold up two shirts and ask him to help you decide which one to buy, he’ll say, “Well, if you like them both equally, then it doesn’t matter
April 20, 2023

Fifty Days at Iliam

Contemporary art as a movement has strived to understand the world’s innermost truths, an objective artists believe can be achieved by pushing the boundaries of what is traditionally regarded as art. In doing so, artists hope to find the truth to life
April 20, 2023

Debunking Housing Myths: A Guide to Fall 2023 Housing Selection

On Tuesday, April 11, Swarthmore Housing informed students that the room selection process for Fall 2023 is underway. The announcement came in an email to students and outlined several steps, including roommate selection, pre-selection, and the housing lottery, as well as changes
April 20, 2023
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