September 2022 - Page 4

Swarthmore Athletics Sweeps the Week

Men’s and Women’s Cross Country: Both the men’s and women’s cross country teams participated in an Alumni Meet on Saturday, Sept. 10. Their next meet is the Mainline Invitational in Haverford, PA, on Friday, Sept. 16. Men’s Soccer: Swarthmore: 4, Juniata College:
September 15, 2022

Athlete of the Week: Kaylee Zhang ’24

Kaylee Zhang ’24, a junior from San Jose, California, has been instrumental in Swarthmore volleyball’s current three-game winning streak and strong 5-2 start to the season. Offensively, Zhang leads the team with 85 kills so far and sits at a close third
September 15, 2022

Margaret MacMillan Comes to Swarthmore College to Talk About War

On Sept. 8, Margaret MacMillan, Professor Emeritus of International History at the University of Oxford, held a public lecture entitled “Friend or Foe? War and Society?” as part of the 2022-23 Cooper Lecture Series. MacMillan was invited to campus by the political
September 15, 2022

The Swim Team Plays Assassins

On Tuesday, Sept. 6, the Swarthmore College Instagram posted an unusual picture. The photo captures two students walking across campus with, bizarrely enough, snorkels strapped to their heads. The photo is captioned “students found a creative solution to the heavy rain this
September 15, 2022

General Election 2022: What are the Stakes?

Although the Pennsylvania general election does not take place until Nov. 8, committed Swarthmore students and on-campus organizations such as Swarthmore Democrats and the non-partisan voting group SwatVotes, have begun mobilizing their efforts towards voter registration and increasing voter turnout. According to
September 15, 2022

The Heartbreakers of Willets Hall

To its inhabitants and some select ex-habitants, Willets Hall is infamously known as a den of thieves. Its scratched plaster walls are alive with larceny. Its shady tendencies have even extended to the local wildlife, as rats prowl the dank Willets basement
September 15, 2022

Like a Fish Out of Water

One of my favorite television shows, when I was about thirteen, was “H2O: Just Add Water.” For those of you who aren’t acquainted with this absolute classic, the show follows three high school girls — Cleo, Emma, and Rikki — on their
September 15, 2022

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