April 2021 - Page 4

What Would a “Democratic” Russia Look Like?

From the first Tsars of the sixteenth century to the notoriously repressive Soviet regime to the contemporary mafia state of Vladimir Putin, Russia has long been a bastion of autocracy in Eastern Europe. Even the 1990s-era democratization attempt under Boris Yeltsin’s rule
April 9, 2021

Pandemic Freshmen

When you’re a little kid, you have a general idea of what your first day in college will look like. Suitcases in hand and a backpack on your shoulders, you walk across a crowded campus, green as eager upperclassmen shove club posters
April 9, 2021

The 9 3/4 of Sharples: The Free Zone

There is a place in Sharples that is hidden in plain sight: the free zone. Unknown to many and all too familiar to some, it is a unique place. Every time I enter the dining hall with my friends, I repeat the
April 9, 2021

Swarthmore Ought to Commit to Open Access Research

Search Cell or The Lancet, two globally renowned biology and medical science journals, respectively, on Tripod, and they immediately appear under the search results. “Available online,” the search results read. At Swarthmore, institutional affiliation grants students, faculty, and alums free access to
April 9, 2021

The Linguistics of Texting: Because Internet

Why do grandparents always text … kind of like this … with the dots … and use them to separate phrases? Why does everyone feel the need to type “lol” even when they’re not laughing? And why does a period at the
April 9, 2021

The High Price of Remote Learning

March marked one year of the pandemic. One year of “unprecedented times” and emails “hoping to find you well.” Unfortunately, not everyone has been well this year.  According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, “Eighty percent of students around the
April 3, 2021

Getting Honest About Quaker Values

For the love of God, or the Inner Light, or Lucretia Mott, or even William Penn, can Swatties please stop spouting off about “Quaker Values?” Last week, SGO treated our inboxes to yet another pious proclamation of these values, informing us all
April 2, 2021

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