As of Wednesday, September 23, 21 students have had their housing privileges revoked due to violations of the Garnet Pledge, according to Nathan Miller, Senior Associate Dean of Student Life.
On the evening of September 18, Public Safety responded to an unregistered party in NPPR that violated Garnet Pledge regulations. The Phoenix has received information from two sources that the September 18 party involved around 8 people, most of whom are affiliated with athletic teams. The Phoenix could not confirm the exact number of students who attended the party. This is the second of such Garnet Pledge violations since the start of Swarthmore’s Fall 2020 semester 13 days ago. The first pledge-violating gathering resulted in the revoking of housing privileges for involved students.
According to an email sent by RCC Ben Shalk to residents of Willets and Mertz on September 11, new updates were made to the Guide to Residential Living that allow residential students to host no more than one other residential student in their individual room, provided that proper social distancing protocols are followed. The Garnet Pledge restricts social gatherings to under ten people and only in approved physical areas under the Students Activities And Social Gatherings section; no guideline specifically addressing whether residential students can host guests in their rooms can be found within the Garnet Pledge. The Phoenix could not confirm whether all on-campus residents were informed of the recent updates to the Guide to Residential Living.
Multiple sources also claim that Public Safety broke this second party up while partygoers were participating in a game of Beer Pong. Alcohol has been prohibited on campus for the Fall semester. Additionally, drinking games such as Beer Pong are banned at Swarthmore according to college regulations.
As of the publishing of this article, the Dean’s Office has taken no official disciplinary action against the involved students. Due to the fact that the event occurred on a Friday evening, disciplinary action may be decided in the upcoming business week. We will update this article once we receive more information.
Featured Image Courtesy of Best Chantanapongvanij for The Phoenix