SGO Launches New Website

February 27, 2020
Created with RNI Films app. Preset 'Technicolor 2 HC'

On Feb. 11, Student Government Organization President Kat Capossela ’21 sent an email to the student body announcing SGO’s new website. 

SGO worked with Swarthmore College Computer Society to host the website on the SCCS server. The website explains the mission and structure of SGO, the SGO’s ongoing initiatives and events, and its processes such as how to charter a club. The website also lists all of the members of the SGO, the SGO’s meeting notes, and how to get in contact with various SGO members. 

The Student Budget Committee also has a new page on the site that explains its structure and lists their contact information and office hours. The page holds their meeting notes, bylaws, members, and their budget codes. The site also walks students through how to request reimbursement and supplemental funding. 

Capossela expressed her belief that the website is essential for SGO’s communication with the larger student body.

“The remodeling of the SGO website is our most important step towards transparency and accessibility yet. It is the go-to place for involvement in all of our initiatives, such as links for Low Income Transportation Initiative and Arts N Philly. It holds everything you need to know about SGO, such as our constitution, current members, and structure. And it shows what we are up to, such as our meeting notes and current activities, including doggos [the dog visitations in Parrish Parlors] and starting [the] FLI Council,” wrote Capossela.

SGO Vice President Akshay Srinivasan ’21 also feels that the new website will make it easier for students to learn more about SGO as well as resources that SGO can provide.

“The new SGO website is a significant improvement over our previous one. Kat and David Bauman (our website manager) have made it significantly more user-friendly and much easier to update. I think this will make it easier to communicate events and initiatives to the student body, in addition to making our meetings and funding more accessible,” wrote Srinivasan.

Capossela thinks the next step in the website development is to get feedback from students in order to continue to make the site more user-friendly.

Photo courtesy of Princeton Huang of The Phoenix

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