April 2019 - Page 4

Swat Ed: Spring

Swat Ed is The Phoenix’s biweekly sex education Q & A. We accept all questions and they are kept completely anonymous. If you’re looking for medical advice or a diagnosis for that weird thing on your genitals, get in touch with a
April 18, 2019

Low-Income Students Shouldn’t Be a Low Priority

Despite efforts from the administration to level the playing field between low-income, first-generation students at Swarthmore and their more privileged peers, the administration struggles to see the real issue at hand — that this institution was built for the wealthy, by the
April 18, 2019

Tiger Woods Roars Back to Win Masters

Tiger Woods’ win at the Masters was one of the most amazing comeback stories in sports history. The past decade has been the toughest years of Tiger Woods life. In June of 2008 he won the US Open in a playoff to
April 18, 2019

Trump’s Nominees Will Undermine the Fed

Donald Trump recently announced his intention to fill the two open spots on the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors by nominating Herman Cain and Stephan Moore. Both have no monetary policy experience and are grossly unqualified for the job, but there’s something
April 18, 2019

Working Women: Portraits of Rural Labor in Southern Vermont

Throughout my multimedia documentary project “Glass Door” (parts of which have been featured in two previous Phoenix issues), I have become increasingly interested in not only how one’s work informs identity, but how the identities of workers inform the overall culture of
April 18, 2019

After Delay, SGO Holds Executive Board Elections

SGO Executive Board elections, originally scheduled to begin on April 9, were delayed to April 11. On Tuesday April 9, Student Outreach Chair Ash Shukla ’22 sent an email to the student body informing that the scheduled SGO Town Hall would be
April 18, 2019

“The Cursed Child” Brings Magic to Life

One point that I have found to be absolutely amazing about Swarthmore is that almost all Swatties can immediately bond over Harry Potter. And it’s not just Swatties who can share this bond. This past Winter break, at an externship, my mentor
April 18, 2019
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