February 2018 - Page 2

Screw Your Roommate

Screw Your Roommate, an impressively awkward school tradition that began in the 80s, returned this year on Feb. 18. Dressed in often embarrassing costumes, several hundred anxious and uncomfortable students gathered in Sharples around dinner time in search for a blind date
February 22, 2018

The Ten Commandments: Queer Dating at Swat

Imagine, if you will, a bright-eyed freshman arriving at Swarthmore, hoping to find a beautiful gay utopia where everyone who was a lonely queer kid in high school will find love and be swept away on a beautiful rainbow unicorn. Now imagine,
February 22, 2018

Profiles in Art: Liya Harris-Harrell

Swarthmore is filled with people from many different places and backgrounds, which means a plethora of stories can be told. One artist who is telling these stories is Liya Harris-Harrell ̕ 21. They are a prospective art and chemistry double major who
February 22, 2018

We Don’t (All) Need No Education

I’ve recently been reading a lot about the value of a college education — it was a major issue during the most recent Democratic primary campaign. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders proposed free federally funded college for all, and Hillary Clinton managed both
February 22, 2018

Making the Best of It: A Talk with Tara

One of the first makers that I met at Swarthmore my freshman year was found in an unexpected place: the freshman job fair. Costume shop manager Tara Webb ’ 94 was there looking for student shop assistants. I recently sat down with
February 22, 2018

Examining the NHL’s Olympic ban

The Winter Olympics bring together the world’s best athletes on one grand stage. Big names in winter sports from around the world to compete for what is arguably the most prestigious athletic honor: an Olympic gold medal. This year, however, the National
February 22, 2018

Strictly Good Advice

Strictly Good Advice, What’s the best way to get someone you don’t like to stop talking to you? This is a person who wants to be friends with me, but I don’t want to be friends with them. I have
February 22, 2018

MGMT Leave Their “Little Dark Age” Behind

A year ago, a new album from MGMT wouldn’t have been particularly highly anticipated, and it especially wouldn’t have been expected to be any good. When “Little Dark Age,” the lead single from the band’s 2018 album of the same name, was
February 22, 2018

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