March 2017 - Page 9

Jews must stand with Muslims

On March 6, President Trump signed his second executive order pertaining to a travel ban, which bars migrants from Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, and Sudan from entering the United States. Iraq was removed from the first travel ban, prior to its
March 16, 2017

Evaluating the safety of our staff in a snowstorm

The snow piles up on the ground outside, finally beginning to slow, yet its remnants promise to keep the conditions for the day dangerous and uncertain. Branches and fallen trees block pathways in the borough, and some residential areas darken as a
March 16, 2017

There’s Always Magic in the Air on Broadway

What’s the one thing you absolutely must do while you’re in New York City? The obvious answer, at least to me, is to have a Broadway marathon. Four shows, two days, and one very starstruck musical theater aficionado: here’s the story of
March 16, 2017

Philly Beat: Women’s History Month Edition

We all witnessed almost three million inspiring individuals take part in the Women’s March and celebrated International Women’s Day on March 8th, but it doesn’t stop there. It is currently Women’s History Month, and there are some incredible and eclectic events happening
March 16, 2017

Athlete of the Week: Hannah Thompson ’19

Thompson, the team’s centerfielder, has started off the year on fire. Through the team’s first 11 games, the Washington D.C. native is hitting .436 with a team high of 17 hits and 8 runs. Thompson also leads the Centennial Conference with 7 stolen
March 16, 2017

Global Citizenship in the Humanitarian Aid Regime

As a catastrophe-based project, humanitarian aid in post-conflict settings is a tactful, transnational pursuit. To justify humanitarian impulses, I have heard many invoke racist images of downtrodden shantytowns of the Global South in crisis, reaching at the charitable hands of the White
March 16, 2017

On snow and God and Swarthmore

The snow began to fall early Tuesday morning and, like some kind of non-dystopian Silicon Valley technology firm, delightfully disrupted our lives. Classes were cancelled, local children sledded the rolling hills of our campus, and many a Swarthmorean sported scarves and sweaters
March 16, 2017

Who Has the Power? My Journey into Swat Bureaucracy

Ever since the Board of Managers chose not to divest from fossil fuels, I’ve started envisioning the people “at the top” of the Swarthmore administration, who chose to ignore the strong student support of divestment. In my more dramatic moments, I imagined
March 16, 2017

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