February 2017 - Page 3

Mandalas and Microcosms at the Black Cultural Center

This past Saturday, the Black Cultural Center saw students and faculty gathered around tables stacked with tubs of acrylic paints and mason jars filled with bouquets of paintbrushes as it hosted artist and art therapist S. Ross Browne for the Therapeutic Abstract
February 23, 2017

Bright pants, bright future

Dyami Andrews ’19, a student from the Bay Area, who can often be seen around campus with his bright and bold pants, which are equally as bright as his passion for art. He is currently pursuing a double major in engineering and
February 23, 2017

Swarthmore Concert Series Presents: Altair and Bazmati Vice

As part of Swarthmore College’s Concert Series, the Feb. 17th concert included Altair and Bazmati Vice, bands composed of students from Swarthmore and other schools. Swarthmore students gathered at Olde Club at 9:30 pm, as the final stages of preparation were underway.
February 23, 2017

Updates to Quoting Policy

Coming off of election years, national news publications, such as the New York Times, cite issues with campaign offices having tight lips and hesitant hands. The offices revise, redact, and reform quotes to fit a narrative. Journalists have trouble developing stories because
February 23, 2017

Mental Health Mondays Matter

Disclaimer: there may be Play-Doh and considerable amounts of chocolate, but this is not a preschool play date. It’s a supportive environment. It’s a place where conflicted college students can come and share their experiences. In short, it’s Mental Health Mondays, a
February 23, 2017

Updates to Quoting Policy

Coming off of election years, national news publications, such as the New York Times, cite issues with campaign offices having tight lips and hesitant hands. The offices, barring campaign spokespeople, revise, redact, and reform quotes to fit a narrative, a voice, and
February 23, 2017

Men’s Swim Captures First Centennial Conference Championship

At last weekend’s Centennial Conference Championships, the Men’s Swim Team blew away the competition, capturing its first championship in 28 years. The Garnet were absolutely unstoppable, winning a handful of gold medals and scoring 720 total points, good enough to beat runner-up
February 23, 2017

2017 Women’s Lacrosse Preview

After a tough 2016 season, the women’s lacrosse team returns primed to defy the odds in facing an extremely competitive schedule. The Garnet’s 2017 schedule includes Gettysburg and Franklin & Marshall, powerhouses of the Centennial Conference. Having finished just 1-8 in conference
February 23, 2017
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