December 2016 - Page 3

Swarthmore student-athletes help determine NCAA policy

Swarthmore’s Student-Athlete Advisory Committee, composed of members from all of the college’s 22 varsity athletics teams, is known for its efforts to promote community engagement and school spirit and to represent the college in NCAA Division III affairs. The Swarthmore SAAC’s more
December 1, 2016

Bursting the Swat bubble

Sitting in the Starbucks a mile away from campus in Springfield on a Saturday afternoon, I sit enjoying my coffee as I think of how much work I am getting done and take mental notes of what I still have left to
December 1, 2016

Swat athletes and political engagement

Whether it’s Lebron James on the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton, or Colin Kaepernick and other professional football players choosing to kneel during the national anthem in solidarity with black people against police brutality, the trend of separating politics and athletics has
December 1, 2016

Instead of Calling, London Answers

“Why don’t boys ever ask me on dates?” — Blair Helena Strocht Dear Blair, The possibilities are endless. Maybe they don’t get you, or they’re intimidated by your looks and aesthetic, or maybe they haven’t been romantically socialized properly. If you feel
December 1, 2016

Occupy A1, and F*ck The Fratriarchy in doing so

There are few places on campus that the majority of the student body frequents.  A combination of necessity and convenience draws students back to Sharples everyday like during a long and uninteresting paper. As much as students complain, they always find
December 1, 2016

Building Communities in Yellow Stockings

As the lights dim in Upper Tarble, the last of the audience members take their seats, and murmurs fade away into silence. The actors are scattered behind the curtain, some peeking through its narrow seam as others tightly clutch their props, preparing
December 1, 2016

Acts of anti-semitism indicate need for improvement

Since August 31, five swastikas have been found on or near Swarthmore’s campus. The discovery of offensive, hateful, and bigoted symbols and speech at Swarthmore is nothing new. The history of our institution is rife with examples of bias incidents, graffiti, and
December 1, 2016

Swarthmore forces students to take cold showers

As part of the overall goal to prepare students for the real world, the Swarthmore’s Facilities Department, with the approval of the administration, decided to limit the availability of hot water usage for showers and sinks in dormitory restrooms. According to Elsa
December 1, 2016

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