Everyone responds to stressful events like the recent election in different ways, but as we all go about our separate lives, the Phoenix wants to remind the community that we must stand together in times of strife. We urge all members of the community to practice radical kindness as we move forward as a community in the coming days. Regardless of your views or opinions on the election, it is important for all to recognize that members of our community are feeling incredibly strong emotions at this moment. The Phoenix strongly encourages you all to prioritize your self-care. We also want to emphasize that we cannot despair, give up, disengage, or absolve ourselves of responsibility to our society.
In light of the developments of the last 24 hours, the Phoenix would like to offer itself up as a space for the community to reflect. If you find writing to be cathartic or otherwise have thoughts and feelings you would like to share, please email them to editor@swarthmorephoenix.com.
With regards to the results of the election, the staff of the Phoenix agreed that the most important thing for us to do is to keep a sense of hope alive. Whatever happens in the next four years, we have decided that the best thing for us to do as a publication is to hope for a better tomorrow, and for a better future. Our community does not need any more divisive rhetoric or thoughts, words, and actions that cause harm to individuals. We recognize that this may be particularly difficult at a time like the present: it requires you to step outside of yourself and think outside of your own experiences. Gloating is never productive; neither is excessive hate nor excessive blame. When all’s said and done, the Phoenix wants to operate as an institution that protects people from violence, from hate, and from oppression. As a publication, we will keep fighting to ensure that voices that are historically underrepresented are heard. We will continue to pride ourselves on being the voice, the eyes, and the ears of this campus. The Phoenix asks for your help and support in this endeavor.
Lots of members of the community are expressing frustration and disbelief at the outcomes of the American democratic system. While we agree that it is important to critique and engage in discussions about the shortcomings of these structures, the Phoenix strongly encourages the community to keep in mind the values and principles of the democratic process. Many (but not all) of us were able to vote and have our voices heard. This is extremely important, even if large portions of the country disagree with us. However, the Phoenix is extremely disappointed in the fact that the electoral college has, for the second time in recent memory, selected a presidential nominee that is not representative of the popular vote. We feel that the electoral college’s decision goes against the mission of the United States’ professed democratic values—it should represent the people, not the product of gerrymandering and other petty political concerns.
Moving forward, the college must create a campus environment that is supportive of all of its members. The Phoenix believes that the decision to invite W. H. Brady Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute Charles Murray to campus a week after the most tumultuous election cycle our generation has ever seen gives us a particular responsibility to bear: we are responsible for taking control of the conversation and we have the power to shape it.
On the election and moving forward