April 2016 - Page 2

BEP plans too late to save

Detailed plans for the school’s new biology, psychology, and engineering building have been drawn up. Unrealistic layered renderings have been commissioned. And now, according to college administrators, it is simply too late to stop or considerably alter any of it. That’s despite
April 28, 2016

SwatDeck connects community via Philly

Most people would consider Swarthmore to be a small school, with a student body of only 1,500 students. While this small population makes it harder to avoid the people you have awkward relationships with, it can still be hard to meet
April 28, 2016

The freshman feels: academic rigor

We are almost there, Swatties. Only three more weeks before the end of finals, before the first years reflect on how the year has flown by and the sophomores celebrate becoming real upperclassmen. Only three more weeks before the juniors grow into
April 28, 2016

Fakhreddine shares love of Umm Kulthūm

On Thursday, April 14, a small group of students and professors attended a lecture in the Scheuer Room on “Umm Kulthūm and the Poetics of Revolution” by Assistant Professor of Arabic Literature at University of Pennsylvania Huda Fakhreddine. The lecture, sponsored by
April 28, 2016

What do we lose when we lose intent?

Chances are, you’ve long found an answer to one of the most difficult philosophical questions. The question is a very insidious one; it shapes not only our morals, but the whole way in which we conceptualize the world. It’s the problem of
April 28, 2016

Swarthmore should follow Yale’s lead, divest

On April 12th, Yale’s Chief Investment Officer David Swensen announced the school’s decision to partially divest its endowment from fossil fuels. Swensen cited not ethical reasons, but financial prudence, as the top motivator behind the decision. Yale’s divestment came after Swensen asked
April 28, 2016

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