April 2016 - Page 13

I am not a tough Jew

I am not a tough Jew, and I don’t want to be one, either. Last week, Bill Fedullo wrote an op-ed about how the image of the “tough Jew” impacts diaspora Jews’ perceptions of the State of Israel. I’m not sure whether
April 7, 2016

The quick and dirty guide to eating out

Eating at restaurants can be a hassle for everyone involved. What’s meant to be a glorious nom session is often shrouded by social faux pas and impossible to remember codes of conduct. Thanks, Obama. But have no fear, The Phoenix has the
April 7, 2016

‘Tis the season for Crum hikes and beach days

If you felt disappointed upon your initial arrival to Swarthmore this fall because you witnessed far fewer Parrish Beach hangouts than the admissions literature had advertised, you’re probably right to feel this way. I don’t have any data on the matter, but
April 7, 2016

Dr. Amanda Kemp brings black women to the forefront

Last Wednesday, a number of students, faculty, and staff members filed into the Scheuer room for an evening with Dr. Amanda Kemp, renowned artist, educator, and activist. The event, titled “#SayHerName: Making Black Women’s Lives Matter,” was presented by both the Women’s
April 7, 2016

Men’s Tennis Breaks History, Takes Down #21 Hopkins

From Joe DiMaggio’s 56-game hitting streak to Rafael Nadal’s 39-match French Open winning streak, all records eventually come to an end. The Johns Hopkins tennis team learned that painful lesson this past Saturday against the Garnet. Entering the match, #21 Johns Hopkins
April 7, 2016

CADES celebrates 65th birthday

Last week, Global Neighbors in collaboration with Children and Adult Disability and Educational Services held an art show in Shane Lounge. The show, which ran from March 25 to April 1, showcased artwork from various media created by both children and adults
April 7, 2016

Town endures series of thefts from automobiles

Last month, the town of Swarthmore experienced a wave of thefts from automobiles. On March 22nd, the campus received an e-mail from Director of Public Safety Mike Hill that outlined the dates and locations of the thefts that were reported to the
April 7, 2016

Theater, dance, orchestra combine in “Soldat”

This past Saturday night, Swarthmore’s resident musical ensemble Orchestra 2001 performed Stravinsky’s “Histoire du soldat,” along with a collection of pieces composed and arranged by students and alumni. The performance of “Histoire du soldat,” which was conducted by current Swarthmore lecturer Andrew
April 7, 2016
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