September 2014 - Page 14

Imposing their judgments

There are many things that are extraordinary about the recent series of decisions emanating from our college’s administration. The first is the seeming suddenness with which they are thrust upon students. In spite of Dean Lili Rodriguez’s bold-faced email disclaimer that recent
September 4, 2014

Working out with God

Hello friends, and welcome back to another semester at Swarthmore College, another semester of the Phoenix, and another semester of my column, A Still Small Voice. I use my space here to comment on my religion and on spirituality on campus, in
September 4, 2014

Fixing girls’ dress codes won’t fix the problem

First things first: welcome back to Swarthmore, everyone! The summer has given me quite the wealth of topics to write about, at least until all that can be said has been said and there’s no point in reiterating all the issues, and
September 4, 2014

The Truth about the ‘Sports Sway’

Despite its reputation amongst our hometown friends and neighbors as either a word that doesn’t exist or a mispronunciation of Hogwarts, Swarthmore is an incredibly difficult school to get into. Although there is no known magical formula that will merit an acceptance
September 4, 2014

Rebecca Chopp, economist

The Phoenix has asked me to discuss Rebecca Chopp’s presidency from the perspective of the economics of the College and my interactions with her. Before I get to that, let me briefly say that overall I thought Rebecca did a very good
September 4, 2014

Rekindling romance after a long summer

As I return to campus for the new year, I find myself remembering forgotten details from the previous semester: surprisingly heavy boxes in Secure Storage, overlooked feuds with assholes past, boring classes on my schedule. Other elements, however, have been more confusing
September 4, 2014

Swat Slang: Terms, Tips, and Tricks

YOPFO — an acronym for “You Only Pass/Fail Once.” Good excuse for focusing on building friendships and trying out extracurriculars during your first semester. Cygnet — a database of awkward high school yearbook photos. Swat Swivel — the act of rapidly looking
September 4, 2014

Review: Murakami has nothing to say in latest novel

Here’s a joke: what’s the name of that one Haruki Murakami novel with the aimless, somewhat developmentally-arrested thirty-something protagonist who likes pasta and jazz, and for whom women are those things attached to breasts? Murakami is not known for his artistic breadth,
September 4, 2014

Kitao Gallery board recommits to collaboration

Strolling down the path to the west of Sharples, past the grime of the fraternities and the sweat of the tennis courts, one will come upon a discreet stone structure that houses the Kitao Gallery. Intercrossed birch planks tile the floor of
September 4, 2014

College resists PA carpenters’ union’s pay demands

Alleging that the college hired workers who are not paid a livable wage, the Metropolitan Regional Council of Carpenters has been protesting the construction of the Matchbox, the college’s four million dollar-plus new fitness, wellness and theater building. The Philadelphia-area union has
September 4, 2014

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