March 2014 - Page 9

SLAP, HR collaborate on childcare survey

Just under a year after the strife-filled semester that President Rebecca Chopp termed the  “spring of our discontent,” a student group is working in conjunction with administrators to try and show that both parties are capable of working together harmoniously. Members of
March 6, 2014

The Crum, brought indoors

  Stacy Levy is an artist entranced with nature and its relationship to the man-made industrial world.  Her pieces of temporary art are intended to be collaborative projects, interactive with nature and the community they exist in. While some pieces of art
March 6, 2014

Track and field heats up despite cold

Even though Swarthmore seems to remain indefinitely frozen over, one team on campus is bringing the heat. This past weekend, Swarthmore track and field competed in the Centennial Conference Championships, where several people set personal records and the women’s team clinched second
March 6, 2014

ASAP changes name to reflect new campus role

ASAP has changed its name from Acquaintance Sexual Assault Prevention to Abuse & Sexual Assault Prevention to reflect ASAP’s new role as an umbrella group for all of the sexual assault prevention initiatives on campus. Up until this year, ASAP existed in
March 6, 2014

An open letter to President Chopp

President Chopp, I got home from work today and eagerly started reading the book for Swarthmore’s 150th, “Swarthmore College, A Community of Purpose.” It was especially enjoyable to read about the birth of the honors program under President Aydelotte and how it
March 6, 2014

A great Grapejam

The Friday evening in the midst of midterms and before the long-anticipated spring break was a popular time for many Swatties to take a break and chill out. They could be found at a fun concert, spending a few moments with friends
March 6, 2014

Why is the Ukrainian soccer team still playing matches?

Originally I was going to write this week’s article on the controversy surrounding the World Cup given that it is just under 100 days away from starting. Given the amount of trouble that the Brazilian Football Association (FA) is in to get
March 6, 2014

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