November 2013 - Page 8

Universities, hospitals remake West Philadelphia

Philadelphia’s 30th Street Station, located right across the Schuylkill River from Center City, is still in heavy use by Amtrak and SEPTA, but it feels a little bit like an out-of-place relic. The station’s heavy pillars, boxy limestone exterior, grand atrium, and
November 13, 2013

No Doubt, Back Again

Gwen Stefani is the only reason I can remember how to spell the word “bananas.” I was really happy when she left No Doubt and not terribly surprised, either. Gwen, like me, is a class-B diva, and as such, can’t deal well
November 13, 2013

Breaking the silence on disordered eating

Last spring Laura Fitzgerald ’14 published an article in the Daily Gazette describing her suicide attempt in the fall of her junior year. At the end of the piece, which describes feelings of hopelessness, cutting and the night she overdosed on sleeping
November 13, 2013

“All That Is”, Not Quite There

Near the end of  “All That Is,” James Salter’s latest novel, an opinionated character (and one of the few female characters given a voice, but more on that later) comments to a young ingénue who has been spreading rumors about Saul Bellow,
November 13, 2013

When the Course Catalog Isn’t Enough

With Swarthmore’s reputation for non-conformity, the presence of special, custom-built majors don’t seem so out of place. Students that feel that their interests don’t fit specifically into any one department can apply for a special major in which they build their own
November 13, 2013

Against Food Porn

Some will see this article, in light of the views I’ve espoused in pieces past, to be the final straw. They will submit their case for changing the title of this column from the “The Edible Thinker” to “The Crotchety Grandpa” in
November 13, 2013

The pole, the hole and the itch

Surprisingly enough, the queer community has sex. Although we have yet to be unanimously satisfied with an all encompassing explanation for what it really means to be queer, I feel safe in saying that getting down and dirty with same sex partners
November 13, 2013
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