November 2013 - Page 6

The sudoku puzzle of course scheduling

When Rose Pitkin ’14, a neuroscience major, wanted to take a genetics course during the 2012-2013 school year, she was disappointed to discover she could not take the course without sacrificing another class that was important for her major. “I didn’t take
November 14, 2013

Letter to the student body from ASAP

We are writing today, as the co-coordinators of ASAP, to both announce a new program that we will be initiating in the spring semester and to ask for your help in making that program the best it can be. ASAP is currently
November 14, 2013

Chomsky at Swat? Noam way!

Noam Chomsky, renowned professor of linguistics and opponent of neo-liberalism, and his daughter Aviva Chomsky, professor of Latin American studies and political activist, visited Swarthmore on Tuesday to lecture about their respective fields. The lectures were co-sponsored by various departments, but the
November 14, 2013

Fair minority representation

Recently, UCLA has found itself in hot water due to its disproportionately small number of black male undergraduate students. The statistics are glaringly lopsided, with the school’s latest freshman class composed of only 1.9 percent black males, the overall admissions of black
November 14, 2013

A queer history of Swarthmore

Swarthmore College is universally described as a socially liberal school, especially in regard to LGBTQ representation and support on campus. However, thirty years ago, Swarthmore was known as a place where the queer community was isolated and hidden. In true Swarthmorean tradition,
November 14, 2013

Monogamy and the Swarthmore relationship

When my last boyfriend asked me to consider being in an open relationship with him, I was surprised. It had not occurred to me that my boyfriend would want to be involved with other people if he was happy with me. “It’s
November 14, 2013

A brief history of Halloween at Swarthmore

We just had that weekend again — the weekend of last-minute Target and Goodwill runs to put together an ironic Swarthmorean Halloween costume that nobody back home would understand — in short, we’ve had the weekend of the Halloween party. This year’s
November 14, 2013

A community of campus writers steadily grows

Swarthmore writers come in all forms and draw inspiration from a variety of sources. They all, however, are linked by their passion for writing and a shared enthusiasm for written expression, from poetry to prose.  Many Swarthmore writers, from renowned, published alumni
November 14, 2013

Consider the pig and the ethics of meat-eating

It’s time that we closely examine what we eat. We must begin to recognize that the food on our plate has greater implications, not only for our bodies, but also for subsequent generations. So often, in a world that doesn’t commune with
November 14, 2013
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