September 2013 - Page 11

What Carrie Bradshaw forgot to tell you

Welcome to The Spectrum, the Phoenix’s brand-new all-inclusive sex column. Here you’ll find musings, advice and answers to any questions you send in. As I write this first installment, I find myself turning to my iconic counterpart: Carrie Bradshaw, the most infamously
September 12, 2013

Baseless confidence: Tao Lin’s “Taipei”

In praise of James Joyce’s “Dubliners”, Ezra Pound wrote, “since de Maupassant we have had so many people trying to write ‘stories’ and so few people presenting life.” Perhaps Pound would have liked Tao Lin. He certainly does his best in Taipei
September 12, 2013

Student radio still makes waves

Radio as an artform may not have the ubiquity it once did, but the airwaves are still full of great programming, from NPR to Swarthmore’s own WSRN, or Worldwide Swarthmore Radio Network, which has broadcast out of Parrish since the sixties. Started
September 12, 2013

A need for stronger student advocacy

Though the academic year is barely two weeks old, Student Council has already shown its face as an active force on campus. With cookouts and food trucks, they have delivered on their mission to serve and represent the student body. Their recent
September 12, 2013

Vindication of English Literature

If there is anything plaguing the academic atmospheres of colleges this year, it is the myopic, unimaginative, stuffily arrogant, and absolutely boring idea that the English major is a surefire route to the counter behind McDonald’s, Walmart, a teacher’s desk, or whatever
September 12, 2013

Theatrics Brought to You By …

Let’s face it: it’s barely been two weeks at Swarthmore and you’re probably tired, burnt out and — most importantly – completely unamused. Here’s a guide to some of the drama and improvisation groups on campus that can help lift your spirits,
September 12, 2013

American interest unapparent in Syrian war

Ever since Woodrow Wilson’s presidency in the early 20th century, America’s foreign policy has been framed by universal moral maxims. From Wilson to Reagan, FDR to George W. Bush, a uniquely American approach to foreign policy has been pursued in sharp contrast
September 12, 2013

A new case for veganism

It’s time for a new justification for veganism—one that willfully neglects the old strategies of conversion. That veganism is healthier or better for the environment than other ways of eating is probably at least slightly if not completely true, but is ultimately
September 12, 2013

Gone Girl: The poetry of manipulation

You’ve heard the story before. A perfect couple is happily married; husband works while wife stays home. One day, when husband arrives at the house, his beautiful wife has disappeared. Police investigate and the media descends, but we all know exactly who
September 12, 2013
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