Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
Fire Alarm
Date: Monday, July 01
Time: 12:50 p.m.
Location: Bond Lodges
Synopsis: Public Safety received a fire alarm alert within Bond Lodges. Public Safety and Facilities responded. It was determined that dust from the construction set off the smoke detector. The alarm was reset.
Status: Closed
Investigation of a Person(s)
Date: Monday, July 1
Time: 5:28 p.m.
Location: 500 College Avenue
Synopsis: Public Safety received a report from a female student that she was approached by an unknown male. The male was identified by Public Safety as a staff member of a camp.
Status: Investigation
Investigation of a Person
Date: Monday, July 1
Time: 10:42 p.m.
Location: Hallowell Residence Hall
Synopsis: While on patrol, Public Safety observed seven individuals loitering in front of the Intercultural Center and then running towards Hallowell Residence Hall. The individuals were stopped and identified. They left campus without incident.
Status: Cleared
Date: Tuesday, July 2
Time: 1:25 p.m.
Location: Between PPR and Train Station
Synopsis: Public Safety received a report from an employee of a theft of a sign that was on Chester Road. The matter is under investigation. The value of the sign is $150.
Status: Investigation
Fire Exit Drill
Date: Tuesday, July 02
Time: 9:59
Location: Mertz Residence Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety conducted fire drills within Merrtz Residence Hall. All occupants evacuated the building and a floor by floor check was conducted. The alarm was reset and the occupants were allowed into the building. No deficiencies were noted.
Criminal Attempt
Date: Wednesday, July 3
Time: 8:06 p.m.
Location: Science Center
Synopsis: Public Safety received a report from a Swarthmore student that someone had tampered with his bycicle and/or the lock, which was parked outside the Science Center. Public Safety responded. It was discovered that the lock had been tampered with but the bicycle had not been removed.
Status: Investigation
Disorderly Conduct
Date: Wednesday, July 3
Time: 11:16 p.m.
Location: Rose Garden
Synopsis: While on patrol, Public Safety observed two individuals in the Rose Garden. Both were identified as Swarthmore students. One of the students was observed urinating and was under the influence of alcohol. Matter referred to the Dean’s office.
Status: Dean’s referral
Date: Friday, July 5
Time: 8:03 p.m.
Location: Crum Meadow
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to the Crum for a report of an unauthorized campfire. Public Safety found the campfire extinguished. No one was in the area.
Status: Closed
Investigation of Vehicle(s)
Date: Saturday, July 6
Time: 11:30 p.m.
Location: Fielhouse Lane
Synopsis: Public Safety investigated an unauthorized vehicle parked at the top of the Crum Meadow driveway after hours. The owners were identified and left without incident.
Status: Cleared
Sexual Misconduct
Date: Sunday, July 7
Time: 9:26 p.m.
Location: Phi Si Fraternity House
Synopsis: An unknown individual submitted a report via the Public Safety Anonymous reporting located in the Public Safety Department’s website alleging that a female student was forcibly fondled and sexually harassed by a known male resident student at the Phi Si Fraternity House on March 7th 2013. This matter is under investigation by the Deputy Title IX Coordinator.
Status: Investigation
Fire Alarm
Date: Sunday, July 7
Time: 4:06 p.m.
Location: Kyle Residence Hall
Synopsis: A staff member reported to Public Safety that an alarm was sounding within Kyle Residence Hall. Public Safety and Facilities responded and checked the building. Nor fire or smoke were observed
Status: Cleared